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Looking for a special gift for a WILD woman / man?

Your partner, your best friend, someone who has inspired you that you would like to thank?


Why not book a WILD Photoshoot for them and make their OWN beauty the gift that they receive... 


A confirmation will be sent to you after payment, and the person who is to be photographed can get in touch whenever they like to choose a date.

There is no Use by date for the vouchers, but I recommend using it within a year.

As a Yule / Christmas gift, the photoshoot can be booked in the spring for example - although I will be photographing all year round for people interested.


Visit the page

to read more about where the sessions take place and what they involve.

*NEW* WILD Photoshoot Voucher

£60.00 Regular Price
£50.00Sale Price
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